
Ali Al Dohh & Co. is an organization that is committed to enhancing company’s financial and structural abilities and provide a better, safer pathway to solidity. We are proud to have established a strong and robust work ethic which secured us a reputation as a credible, reliable, and trusted company. With a demonstrated excellence in the field of auditing, taxation, and consultancy, Ali Al Dohh & Co. is dedicated to achieving objectives and delivering top quality results. At Ali Al Dohh & Co. we value your business. Therefore, we will help you focus and direct your attention towards a rewarding growth through smart planning and financial structuring. Our highly experienced and qualified team specializes in various fields and will offer you critical insight that will keep your business moving forward.


Mr. Ali Al Dohh is a certified accountant whom founded Shair & Co (Public Accountants) in Oman in 1974 and was their partner until it then merged with Arthur Andersen, an international firm of public accountants serving in the role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Thereafter, he started his own practice under the name Ali Al Dohh & Co. L.L.C (Public Accountants). The firm went on to being a professional auditing, tax and management consulting organization based in Muscat, Oman for over 30 years.
With a reputable career and demonstrated excellence in the field, our team continues to grow and provide all types of financial services for small, medium, and large-scale organizations. For decades, Ali Al Dohh & Co have provided its services for companies in various activities such as manufacturing, retail, commodities, power and many more. In addition to auditing and management consultancy, our company renders professional services in court arbitration and law-related advising. We are currently engaged by public shareholding companies in the capacity of internal auditors, as well as external auditors for medium and small limited liability companies and admitted by Omani courts as accounting experts and are recognized by Bank Muscat, Oman Development Bank, Bank Dhofar, Oman Arab Bank and Bank Sohar.
Our commitment and unparalleled experience help us in providing unique solutions and advising for each client and catering to their specific needs. Upon establishing a unique relationship with our clients, we trust that our deliverables, once delivered, will be of prime quality and key for ultimate success

Core Values

• Professionalism: At Ali Al Dohh & Co we believe being dedicated and committed to our clients is our highest priority. Our key to maintaining and strengthening this relationship is carried out by being dynamic and professional with our approaches.

• Excellence: In an ever-changing, challenging field we prove through our history, team qualifications and experiences that we are one of the leading locally established firms in the Sultanate of Oman. Combining all key elements in auditing and management at Ali Al Dohh & Co, your business will be on its path to excellence.

• Diversity: Being diverse with our methods and work ability has played a major role in our performance and outstanding achievements. It reflects our transparency and ability to scrutinize our client’s objectives and identify them one by one in order to reach their ultimate goal.

• Integrity: Our profession dictates trust and transparency. Therefore, upon establishing work relations with our clients, Ali Al Dohh & Co ensures non-disclosure of any information or material related to the client. All clients are treated equally and fairly without any sort of discrimination.

• Innovation: Your business’s success means a lot to you, and so does us. Implementing new techniques and successfully proven ideas to your business is crucial given the rapidly changing economy and market. We strive to create innovative additions to your company in order to propel it to new levels.

• Sustainability: For the benefit of your business and growth, it is essential to sustain its accounts and fluidity. We urge that a consistent follow-up between us and your business continues in order to tackle and eliminate any deficiencies and sustain and improve existing business models.